Actually, it is a misnomer, the correct name is pain above the elbow, i.e. Lateral Epicondylitis.Lateral Epicondylitis is often known as tennis elbow. Do not be misled by being called a tennis player, you can either call it the elbow of a novice tennis player or an aunt carrying a market bag.
It is a painful condition that occurs on the outer side of the elbow where the muscle-tendon adheres to the bone. Tendons connect the muscle to the bone. The muscle associated with this condition is the extensor carpi radialis brevis. In lateral epicondylitis, there is degeneration and weakening at the tendon attachment site. This can cause pain in relation to movements in which the muscle is active (stretching, gripping, etc.).
While 95% of the cases can recover with physiotherapy, a very small proportion of them go to surgery.
Make an appointment with your physiotherapist to reduce symptoms and improve your quality of daily life.